Skincare Enhanced With

Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other botanicals sourced from our earth to ensure clean beauty.

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  • Botanical Oils

    Amazing oils such as organic olive oil, organic avocado oil, poppy seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower seed oil, and macadamia seed oil.

  • Plants

    Miracle plants like organic aloe, organic rooibos leaves , jojoba beads, jasmine, rose, lavender, clary sage, ylang ylang, and tea tree leaves.

  • Rich Butters & Creams

    Rich, moisturizing butters and creams sourced such as shea, cocoa, and mango.

  • Flowers & Fruits

    Healing flowers and fruits such as cranberries, calendula flowers, oranges, avocado, geranium, and mango.

Precious Minerals

strives to find the best natural ingredients which not only benefit our skin but enhance our true beauty.